Saturday, December 03, 2011

The holidays are here again, bringing in all sorts of annual traditions. There's the house down the road with way too many lights. The physical assaults at WalMart on Black Friday. The traffic that keeps me stuck on busses for hours at a time. But it's not all bad, for no matter your religion, occupation, social standing, or political affiliation (well, maybe not that last one), there's one tradition we all share: the annual broadcast of "It's A Wonderful Life."

A tradition that goes along with this broadcast is my posting of an old blog describing my frustrations with Hollywood's biggest sap: George Bailey. Yeah, he does a lot of nice things but...okay, before I get all riled up, I'll just post the old blog.

Enjoy this year's broadcast, tonight on NBC at 8 pm.  Or enjoy it on Christmas Eve. Or both. Either way, have a merry Christmas Bedford Falls!